Fire and Rescue Case Study

The Business:

Our Client, a Midlands based Fire and Rescue Service, were encountering difficulties in attracting candidates to apply for their vacancies via their website due to competition for talent from local, large commercial organisations.

Additionally, retention rates were a concern due to the lower salaries offered compared to those offered in the private sector.

Our Solution:

In a collaborative effort between Hiring Wizard and the Fire and Rescue Service, recruitment processes were streamlined and an enhanced Employer Value Proposition was put together to position them as an employer of choice.

Recruitment processes were streamlined and fomalised to ensure all applicants had a positive experience, even those who weren’t successful in securing a role.

A focus was placed on inclusivity and diversity and this became a central pillar to their recruitment advertising and selection processes.

Our dedicated Client Success Team then strategically distributed optimised adverts across all the major job boards. This includes company pages highlighting their EVP to applicants looking to find out a bit more before applying.

Application numbers rose by an average of 67.5% with an increase in the diversity of applicants.

Over the following 12 months, Derbyshire recruited more than 40 roles through Hiring Wizard, increased retention rates by 14% and saved many thousands in recruitment fees.

What They Said

“We have use Hiring Wizard for the last 5 years and have recently tied in to a 12 month contract.

We love it. so quick and effective.”