Alternative Thinking for Candidate Attraction

Our recent Bi-Annual Recruitment Trends Survey highlights that recruiting talented and motivated staff is a particular challenge within the Education sector. An increasingly drastic shortage of teachers, rising pupil numbers and extremely stretched budgets are just some of the reasons why the sector faces such challenges.

This comprehensive White Paper provides a detailed examination of the recruitment strategies that can be adopted to help attract and retain the best people in the most cost efficient way.

Download this white paper if:

  • You want a better understanding of the possible recruitment strategies for the Education Sector
  • You’re struggling to hire enough quality people or retain your best staff and need some alternative solutions
  • You want some practical advice on how to advertise in the most effective and efficient way to get the best applicants
  • You’re looking for guidance on how to promote your school, college or university as a great place to work

Get the most out of your recruitment budgets!

If you aren’t recruiting the right quality people or it’s taking you too long, it’s costing your business money. Maximise your chances of getting the best quality people by applying the key recommendations within this White Paper.

Fill in the form below to get this White Paper sent to you